Welcome to Leiden swimschool!
Leiden swimschool is a private swimschool that offers a range of swimming lessons and programs for children of all ages. Leiden swimschool believes that swimming and water safety is an essential life skill. We’re dedicated to sharing our love for the water!
Throughout the year, during school term, Leiden swimschool has access to a separated department of the Pool De Basalt/Rijnlans Revalidtie Centrum in Leiden. During our swimming lessons, no other visitors are present so we can offer privacy and a peaceful environment for the kids.
Our lessons are designed for children aged between 5-15 years. Each of our swimming lessons is arranged accordingly to the level swimming experience and water confidence.
Adult swimming lessons in Leiden

Swim Coach
Some students are scared in water. But they try it anyway. According to me, these people are the bravest
Wassenaarseweg 501
2333 AL Leiden